Friday, September 10, 2010

Not-So-Secret Origins of the JLA - Aquaman

Here we have it, the final entry in our Aquaman week. But the last is far from least!

Aquaman, like Wonder Woman already had an origin story from back in 1941. However, to bring him up to speed, the good folks at DC felt he needed a little "tweak". The following origin story was drawn by the absolutely incredible Ramona Fradon. Unfortunately, the writer's name is lost to time and uncertainty. From Adventure Comics #260, May 1959 here's "How Aquaman Got His Powers"

But wait! Apparently the Sea King was so awesome he warranted another telling of his origin a scant two years later. This time, the Atlantean angle is expanded upon and we learn more of Arthur's mother, Atlanna. From Showcase #30, January- Februay 1961 here's an excerpt from "The Creatures From Atlantis" by Jack Miller, with more art by the dazzling Ramona Fradon.


  1. Enjoyed the origin stories... thanks! What about Green Arrow? (Or did I miss something?)

  2. Dave: Green Arrow was not part of the original line-up. He was voted in in JLA #4 "Doom of the Star Diamond", making him the first "new" member (excepting Snapper Carr). I DO have his origin story, and was already toying with the idea of posting it sometime next week. Anyone else want GA's origin?

  3. Heck yeah! Green Arrow, The Atom, and then Hawkman (& Hawkgirl). Might as well cover the entire Silver Age JLA lineup.

  4. You don't have to bother with Snapper though!
    (aside-you must really like Ramona's art for you posted page two twice!)

  5. That was some sweet, sweet reading! I loved the origin story. As an Aqua-fan I haven't seen that before (my hard-coreness is frail compared to some: hello Rob!), so I really appreciate it.

    I love your blog and agree with your take on things; the modern world is full up with whingers and people with 'issues'. Superheroes are meant to be infaliable and something for us mere humans to aspire to, I don't need a superhero I can relate to because he has 'issues' (hello Wolverine!). My opinion only and I stand by it.


  6. Ramona Fradon's artwork was absolutely stunning. Severely underrated.

  7. Anonymous: Okay, I'll work Green Arrow's origin into next week's posts. I don't have The Atom's origin or Hawkman/Hawkgirl's in my collection at present. I really need to pay off my Columbus library card!

    Michael J: Snapper's origin-perish the thought! Thanks! I fixed it, although more Fradon is never enough!

    Erik the Sleeper: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love superheroes, but have very little room in my heart for hooked, shirtless, bearded Aquaman, or mid-life crisis, hooded Green Arrow.

    Dandy: I know! You'd think she'd be more tlaked about. I think she's easily the equal of Kurt Swan or Dick Sprang. I know a lot of folks are Nick Cardy fans, but I'm always a little disappointed when it's a Cardy Aquaman. Nothing against Cardy, I'm just spoiled by Fradon.

  8. Wowie! Aquaman is one superhero that, I am ashamed to say, fell through the cracks in my in my youthful comic book reading. I had no idea he was so cool! I also had no idea about Ramona Fradon, who is magnificent! I must find more from him. Wow! -- Mykal

  9. Mykal: I've been trying to tell you. DC only put out ONE Aquaman Archives. Amy bought it for me for X-mas a few years ago and it is well worth the extra expense to read these in color. The stories are quirky, charming and entertaining... and mostly around 6 or 7 pages.

  10. I just ordered it from Amazon after reading your post! I looked it up issue by issue on Grand Comic Book Database, and the entire volume is almost all Fradon (as you well know). I'm so excited. I honestly hadn't ever heard of Fradon before your post! -- Mykal

  11. Wow! Well, I know you'll enjoy it. BTW, Ramona Fradon also was the original artist on Metamorpho. She retired from comics for several years to raise her children, but returned to draw the Superfriends comics in the 70's- although those look very different, as she was clearly working within the guidelines set down by the Alex Toth model sheets for the cartoon.

  12. You getting ahead of yourself, dude? Your post is dated for next week!

  13. YAY! Ramona Fradon! The First Lady of DC Comics!!
    Gotta love Ramona! Her art style was always cool, energetic, solid, and perfect to read. Great visual storytelling! Always a joy to see her work!
    More Please!!

  14. bonjour
    i am french escuse me for my english
    for issue "Not-So-Secret Origins of the JLA - Aquaman" i think it is not ramon but it is george tuska designer of iron man
    thank for you pretty

  15. Ramona Fradon still draws the best Aquaman and Metamorpho.
